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Top Ten Questions

1. Why is my internet slow?

This could be caused by a number of issues and type of technology you are using to access the internet. For example with ADSL and services delivered over copper lines speed is dependent on a number of factors such as distance from the exchange, quality of copper and the number of users accessing the bandwidth (This is also called contention).

2. How can a remote IT team help me?

Many IT issues can be resolved faster remotely than an on-site engineer as we don‘t need to travel to site. We can discuss how the works when we meet you.

3. What is Office 365?

This is Microsoft's cloud based Office offering which delivers many benefits including:

  • Email backed up and stored in Microsoft‘s data centre‘s in Sydney.
  • A downloadable copy of the latest version of Office for your staff.
  • A very cost effective monthly fee so there is a low capital outlay.
  • A very quick online portal allows for the simple set up of new users and the deletion of old users.
4. Why hasn‘t my current IT provider advised me to go to the cloud?

Cloud is not for everybody, but does work for most businesses.

Notable exceptions include organisations that do CAD drawings and Large graphic files, however a hybrid cloud solution may work for you if you fit into that type of customer.

5. What are the benefits of cloud?

The Benefits to a business using Cloud Technology are:

  • Never having to do back-ups again as we do that for you, but more importantly if you do have a disaster it‘s seamless in getting you working again.
  • Never having to have that ’Your server is old and you need a new one‘ discussion.
  • Much lower risk of failure as the equipment in the data centre is very high end equipment with a lower risk of failure and higher levels of redundancy.
  • Your staff can work from anywhere they have a reliable connection.
  • Cloud has much higher security than your server being on-site. This is because the firewall‘s that protect your data in the cloud are a much higher level of equipment than a standard office firewall/router.
6. Is Cloud expensive?

In most cases cloud can be cheaper than buying old technology, such as onsite servers.

It depends on your requirements.

7. What happens to my data in the Cloud, can I get it back if i change my mind?

The most important thing to remember is the data in the cloud is your data, if you want to leave the cloud or our cloud we will happily give it to on a USB disk.

8. I need new equipment can you help me?

Yes Dealer I.T. has access to a multitude of vendors at very competitive prices. Talk to us or email us your requirements.

9. What is a LAN audit that I keep hearing about?

This a great way to have us look at your IT system and make suggestions on ways to improve it. We offer a free LAN audit and report on your IT system.

This is an audit of your entire IT environment and we discuss with your business ways we can improve it.

10. What is Managed Services?

Managed services is outsourcing your IT management to an external company. This can have many benefits including reduced cost, improved skills and your staff always having access to an IT resource.